Breastfeeding and Bonding: Building a Strong Relationship

During the whole pregnancy one thing that keeps the mother going, despite many physical and emotional bumps, is the anticipation of meeting the baby. This gives the mother the strength and courage to overcome all her doubts, fears, anxieties, reservations and apprehensions. When the wait is finally over, it's one of the most defining and memorable moments in anyone’s entire life. After delivering the baby, the first couple of weeks are very important irrespective of whether it's your first born or forth born. Bonding develops when you care, hold, interact, touch and spend time holding the baby, making everything worth it.

In order to develop a strong bond between you and the baby, one of the best ways is to breastfeed the little one. Breastfeeding has numerous advantages for the baby and the mother, early bonding is just one of them. Breastfeed is a magic potion that nourishes the baby, boosts the immune system, lessens the chances of getting sick, is easily digested, promotes weight gain and also saves the baby from many diseases and infection in the long run as well. Breastfeeding is very beneficial for the mother in various ways as well, most importantly is subsiding her postpartum depression.

Although breastfeeding can be a very challenging, demanding and daunting task to say the least. Breastfeeding demands full commitment and dedication, as many as 53% mothers give up on breastfeeding in the first month of delivery, which was at the start a whopping 85%! Staying calm, doing all the house chores, dealing with depression, worrying about a low milk supply (which can be easily restored by lactation supplements and many other factors influence the mother to give up. But if a mother can stick to this commitment then the benefits are all worth the effort. Especially when she sees a distinct bonding is developing between the baby and her.  

How Does Breastfeeding Helps in Building a Strong Bond?

There’re a number of ways in which breastfeeding helps in strengthening the mother-baby bond. Initially the closeness with the baby provides him comfort, a sense of security and of course nourishment. When a mother nurses her child, an array of hormones naturally gets triggered in both the mother and the baby naturally. These hormones promote motherly instincts and innately an unbreakable, strong bond starts forming. Another thing that must be kept in mind that breastfeeding not only fulfils the nourishment box for the baby, the overall closeness, warmth and affection makes the baby crave you, sometimes even when they’re not hungry at all. Here are some ways which helps in creating this strong bond through breastfeeding.

Ski- to-Skin Contact

In general, we feel secured, calmed and protected when we come in a skin to skin contact with a loved one, right? Same goes for the baby, when a mother holds her nappy clad baby against her skin, wrapping just a blanket around themselves, the skin-to-skin contact made here is the foundation of a strong bond. An early skin-to-skin contact, ideally during the first hour of the delivery, helps in the secretion of hormones that triggers the baby to find your breast and start suckling on it. A skin-to-skin contact isn’t just perfect for those initial hours, in fact this works whenever the baby is cranky, agitated or disturbed. Skin-to-skin has many other benefits as well, like regulating the heart rate, stabilizing the body temperature and maintaining blood sugar levels. Skin-to-skin also acts like a natural milk supply booster which ensures a steady supply of milk.

Releases Oxytocin Hormone

Oxytocin is a potent cocktail of comforting hormones that releases during the skin-to-skin contact. This hormone is also known as cuddle chemical or love hormone as it enhances the motherly behaviour, calms the baby down, helps the mother in adjusting and accepting her new role, gives her the patience a mother is known for and also helps the mother to deal with postnatal depression. Whenever you are close to your little one, when you’re thinking about him/her, when you smell or caress him/her, this hormone activates thus intensifying the bonding.

Oxytocin is a very clever hormone; it has anti-anxiety and antidepressant qualities and it also acts as a lactation supplement or milk supply booster. The secretion of this hormone stimulates the breasts and chimes your brain for breastfeeding. Another important hormone is also released that invigorates the mother to calm her baby down, respond to his needs and give a feeling of immense pleasure and satisfaction, this is known as beta-endorphin.

Promotes Peaceful Sleep

Breastfeeding your baby binds a very strong tie between the mother and the baby which reflects in the various aspects of his life. The calming hormone that is released when the baby comes in direct contact with the mother helps the baby to have a peaceful, well-rested and deep sleep. It builds the trust between them and both find comfort and solace in that setting. Both mother-baby duo feels deeply satisfied and loved which comforts both of them, resulting in a sleep that eventually makes the baby healthier and happier.

Comforts an Irritated Baby

Breastfeeding is a great way to calm down a distressed baby who won’t get better any other way. As soon as you’ll put the little one against your breast, he/she will instantly calm down and find peace. This act builds a strong and robust bond between the two which further endorses closeness and understanding. Nursing a distraught child also helps the baby grow healthier, promotes healing and reduces his pain.

Recollection of Scent and Voice  

Another way breastfeeding helps in creating a solid bond between the mother and baby is when the little one starts to recognize his mother’s scent and voice. As the mother and baby are in such close proximity that it's inevitable for the child to not start picking the voice and scent of his mother. Over the course of time, the baby will crave for your touch and will instantly react to your calling, resulting in an unbreakable bonding.


Breastfeeding has a lot of advantages but the most lasting one is the special bonding between the two., which lasts a lifetime. Breastfeeding reassures the baby that he is safe and protected. Don’t give up on this opportunity so soon, I know it's overwhelming, demanding and disorienting but trust me it's all going to be worth it. 

Returning to Work After A Baby- Things All Mothers Needs to Know

Time flies after you bring your newborn baby in the world, morning, noon and night all go by in a jiffy. It takes a couple of months to adjust to the new role and new phase of life and just when you’re getting a hang of it all you realize that your maternity leave is about to end. If you’re a working mother who just gave birth to a child and has to return to her job, this thought would be nagging you for weeks. A new mother is so engrossed and consumed by the new member that work life seems like a distant memory. But it hits like a lighting bolt when the maternity leave is coming to an end and now you have to get yourself prepared for the onslaught of home and work life.

There’re million thoughts that cross a mother’s mind when she has to prepare herself for returning to work. No matter how strong, resilient or career-oriented a woman is, she goes through a whirlwind of emotions during this time. The mere thought of waking up at 7am in the morning after being up all night with the baby seems like a gruelling and daunting task. The emotion of guilt is the heaviest on a mother’s heart as she is going to leave her precious one in the care of someone else. She also has to make sure she provides her baby with ample supply of her milk, for which she needs to boost her milk supply by using herbal lactation supplements or lactation drinks. She is also apprehensive about being the same employee that she was before she left.

Navigating through the first couple of weeks takes all the might, patience, determination and courage of a mother. Though every mother has a different journey, there are some tips and tricks that can help you to get back into the groove. It will take time and effort but, in the end, you’ll be a happier and content person. Here are a few things that can make returning to work after a baby easier and less gruesome.

Set Up a Child Care You Can Trust   

Perhaps the most important factor that actually makes returning to work possible is when you know that your child has been taken care of while you’re away. If as a mother you’re confident that your little one is in safe hands then you’ll be a better focused, relaxed and productive person. Make sure that you don’t hire someone at the nick of the time, start at least 2-3 weeks prior to work so that you can first hand see if she’s good enough, how the child and help bond together and whether she is capable of handling all the situations. Once you’ll feel good about your decision, the transition will become smoother and seamless.

Communicate with your Boss/Team

Before arriving back to work, make sure you’re in synchronization with your boss/team and know what’s going on in the work front, so that you don’t get overwhelmed with the pressure. It will also be a great idea to start checking in on work with fellow teammates in order to be more aware. If you have flexible hours make sure your teammates know about it and you can work well in the scheduled hours. Also, if you’re a breastfeeding mom, you must communicate with the boss about your pumping sessions and in between breaks. As you’ll be away from your baby for long hours herbal lactation supplements and emergency lactation brownies will help in boosting the milk supply so sufficient milk can be extracted.

Go Easy on Yourself

Don’t expect the same level of dedication, focus and ability to work in the first couple of weeks. You’re in a transitional phase and it will take time to adjust, so be patient with yourself, don’t doubt your abilities and never bash yourself for not being enough. You may have been a keen worker and you may feel that you have a good grip on the parenting departments as well but you haven’t juggled both of them together. It's absolutely pivotal to be kind to yourself, enjoy your commute rides, have a nice meal, take a coffee break and do your pumping sessions in peace, you deserve it!

Learn to Manage Expectations

If your boss/team expects big from you, tell them to give you some time to get back in your element. So, if you’re offered a big project, don’t say yes right off the bat. Ask questions and address your concerns. Take baby steps and don’t overwhelm yourself to please others. If you can, make sure you get everything else off-the-table so that you can solely concentrate on it. This may make some people unhappy but you can make up by being good at what you have taken up and by being proactive.

Plan Your Pumping Session

If you’re a nursing mother make sure you have breaks to pump the milk for your baby. Convey this to your boss and make it non-negotiable to avoid any kind of confusion. Skipping a pumping session is not just emotionally draining, it has various other adverse effects. Skipping pumping sessions can be physically painful due to engorged breasts. The supply of milk is also affected, which can be boosted by herbal lactation supplements or emergency lactation brownies but what about that milk dripping from your clothes? So, make sure you get a good pump and a nice, quiet place to pump peacefully during work hours.

Give Yourself Time, Love and Attention

I know it may seem impossible to take out time for yourself when you’re already juggling between work, baby and family life. But if you don’t give yourself the attention or love that you so rightly deserve then in a couple of months the sheer exhaustion will take the better of you. All the efforts that you did for your family will go in vain. So, take out time for the things that genuinely make you feel yourself. Like watching movies, going out for dinner or whatever you like without feeling guilty.


Most importantly, please realize that you’re not alone in this. There’re many mothers who have already walked this path, who are walking this path and who will walk this path feeling just like you’re. it’s a big deal to go back to work after a baby so pat your back as you have already proven that you are brave!  


Find the Best Type of Breast Pump for Yourself

Breast pumps are as vital and helpful to nursing mothers as baby wipes, lactation supplements, nursing clothes or back support pillows are. Breast pumps remove and collect milk from your breasts, both removing and collecting are very important as one ensures steady milk supply and the other ensures that the baby is always stocked up with the best source of food in the whole world. Choosing the right kind of breast pump according to your usage and lifestyle is very important as it can make your life so much easier.

Choosing the right kind of breast pump in advance is tough as the shape and size of the breasts changes, the amount of milk supply, how much your baby draws milk and how many times he feeds is all dependent on the little one. Although familiarizing yourself with a breast pump before delivering your baby can be very helpful but buying it afterward will pay you better. Breast pumps are available in a wide range in the markets now, choosing the right one for your needs can be tough if you head straight up to the market to get one.

Know your options and requirements before getting one for yourself and this article will do just that for you. So keep reading….

What Kind of a Mother Are You?

Choosing the right kind of breast pump depends on the lifestyle, job requirements, budget and personal preferences of the mother herself. There are different options for stay-at-home mothers, working mothers, social mothers and mothers who take help from their partners in feedings. Before zeroing on any best breast pumps option consider your lifestyle and other factors for the best, most suitable buy.

How often do you need a Breast Pump?

If you are a stay-at-home kind of mother then your use of the breast milk will be limited. The main reason for using a breast pump can be to remove excess milk left by the baby, prevention from breast engorgement or it can be used as a milk supply booster as well. If you have a job that takes you apart from your little one for long hours then you might want to invest in a good quality, efficient breast pump to nurse your baby. If you’re not on a full-time job but you do have to step out of the home quite often and your husband has to share feeding then also a breast pump is quite handy.

When should you buy a Breast Pump?

We recommend you get yourself a breast pump if you are a working mother and willing to go that extra mile to feed your baby with liquid gold that is your breast milk. You can also buy one if you’re suffering from breast engorgement, flat nipples, if you want to get rid of the milk left by your child, if you’re dealing with a low supply of milk and if you prefer to give breast milk but not straight from the source. For all these reasons a breast pump can be very handy and helpful for you.

Types of Breast Pumps and what is the Best one According to your Needs

  1. Manual/Battery Operated Breast Pumps

Manual breast pumps are a great option if you have to express milk occasionally. Stay-at-homes can use manual breast pumps as they are easy to use, best for occasional use, easy to use and fits right into the budget. Manual breast pumps require you to do a pressing motion that extracts the milk from the breasts. Battery operated ones are also a good option as the pressing motion is now done by the pressing. But keep in mind it is not a good option if you have to express milk more than 2-3 times a day.

  1. Electric Breast Pumps

This kind of breast pump is efficient, speedy, adjustable, portable and user-friendly. Electric pump is the best option for working mothers who have to leave their little ones for a long period of time at a stretch. These electric pumps don't require the mother to put in any further effort and she sits back and relax while the electrical pump draws all the milk from the breasts. Electrical pumps also come with a carrying case and cool storage to save the express milk.

  1. Single or Double Breast Pump

A single flanged breast pump is good for occasional expressing but a double flanged breast pump is ideal for fast, efficient and convenient expressing of milk. Working moms will find this breast pump a perfect option for themselves as they don’t have to waste all their free time expressing the milk. It not only halves the time of the whole ordeal it also delivers 18% more milk than expressing singularly from each breast.


Breast pumps and lactation supplements make a wonderful combination if you aim to boost your milk supply. For achieving that, the best, most suitable breast pump is an absolute necessity. Also breast pumps are a savior for nursing mothers as it gives them the much needed freedom and relaxing time. So choose your breast pump wisely.    


Useful Tips to Ensure Painless Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding your little one is no easy feat, it's demanding, daunting, time-taking, tiring and sometimes painful as well. It tests your patience and commitment level. According to WHO, about 55% of the mothers who start breastfeeding when their child is born, quit it within the first 3-6 months. There’s no doubt that breast milk is like “Liquid Gold” for the young one, giving him the best nutrients, nourishment and immunity boosters that no other food source can provide. Mothers go the extra mile to ensure that their milk supply is sufficient for the baby by taking lactation supplements, breast milk cookies, emergency brownies and other milk supply boosters, but the painful breastfeeding can sometimes shake their resolve and they quit it.

Most of the new moms are told that breastfeeding comes inherent to all mothers without giving it much thought, practice or preparation. This is true to some extent but it’s also a learning process for both the mother and the baby. This process can come easy to some people and some suffer a lot in these times. The journey is new for every mother-baby duo and one’s journey should not be compared or disregarded by others. Breastfeeding pain is real, hard to endure and unbearable if it gets worse. Every breastfeeding mother suffers from it, at one time of her journey. But she can’t quit or take a break as it will only worsen the whole ordeal, furthermore she would need breast milk cookies and other supplements to increase milk supply.

Mostly this painful phase kicks in when she is already overtired, on her own and mostly dealing with other complications like breast engorgement, pumping, cracked nipples and tender breasts. Most of the reasons for painful breastfeeding are preventable and treatable easily. The best course of action is to be knowledgeable and well-informed before you face it. The pain can be treated by doing some simple alterations and adjustments. In this article, we will try to give you all the information that can help you steer clear of any painful breastfeeding.

Position is Key

In order for a painless breastfeeding journey make sure that the mother and the baby both find a position that makes them comfortable and complacent the entire time of the feeding. There are many positions that a mother can try to find that one perfect position that allows them to be at ease.  Cross the cradle, on the pillow, sling, sitting baby, knave or lying down, test and try the one that works the best for both of them. If the position is not relaxing for the mother she can have back pains, shoulder pain or neck pain.

Latch Right

One of the top reasons that are accredited to painful breastfeeding is an improper latch. If the baby doesn’t latch properly it may suckle on some really sensitive parts of your breasts. A continued and prolonged practice can lead to painful breastfeeding, decrease in milk supply and a cantankerous, unsatisfied baby. A good latch not only means painless breastfeeding but it also increase milk supply, saves the mother from breast engorgement and a healthy, happy baby. A good latch means that the baby shouldn’t only be sucking the nipples of the breasts but a good part of the areola as well. If the feeding is painful, the breasts keep slipping out of the mouth of the baby or you hear clicking sounds then you probably should read the next tip carefully.

Start Over

Oftentimes as soon as the baby latches and starts suckling you can immediately feel sharp pangs of pain. This is a clear sign of a bad latch and the mother must break the latch and start over again. If the mother feels that she can adjust the breast while in the mouth of the baby then go for it but if the discomfort and pain continues, then she must break the latch. But there’s a proper way of breaking the latch, mother mustn’t pull the breast out with forcefully pulling it out of the mouth. This could further worsen the sensitivity, the proper way is to insert a small part of the finger from the corner of the mouth in a fish hook style and break the suction, then start over again.

Clogged or Plugged Ducts

When the nursing sessions are infrequent, short and cut off in between the suckling, it can lead to clogged milk ducts. Clogged milk ducts can make a particular area of the breast sore and painful. Mother can feel small lumps on the breasts and when touched causes severe spasms of pains. Mothers must empty their filled breasts after every feeding by expressing the leftover milk. The milk that is not drawn out of the breasts remains there and clogs the milk ducts. This also affects the milk supply and leads to breast inflammation. Another effective way is to massage the lump with a warm compress to easy out the milk ducts and make them softer and easy to touch.

Tongue-Tied Babies

If the mother has a good, comfortable position, she frequently drains her breasts and has a good latch but still suffers from painful breastfeeding then she might want to have a look in the inside of her baby’s mouth. If the baby is unable to lift his tongue up due to a throng of skin which is tight and short. This means that the baby is tongue tied which unable him to curl his tongue or move it forward, both movements which are essential for a suckling. This restriction makes the baby’s tongue rub against the tender part of the nipples making it painful to nurse.

Mastitis and Thrush

If painful nursing continues, despite ticking all the above boxes then mothers should inspect their breasts closely. Look for redness, inflammation, swollenness or lumpiness on the breasts. This might be due to a condition called mastitis, which is an infection that nursing mothers often face but can be treated easily by antibiotics. Thrush is another kind of infection which is fairly common in nursing mothers that leads to itchiness, cracked nipples and sharp pains when feeding.


Breastfeeding is already a quite challenging task in itself. Painful breastfeeding can be very daunting and discouraging for the mother and can lead to total abandonment of breastfeeding, which is not good for the child’s health and immune system. So all mothers must seek assistance if they feel any kind of pain while nursing their baby.  



Are Lactation Supplements Safe for Babies?

Breastfeeding your young one is the heartiest and deeply satisfying feeling ever. But even after hours of feeding, if your baby is still crying and cranky for more milk. The mothers are bound to wonder if their milk supply is enough to satiate the baby’s hunger, turning the feeling of euphoria into frustration and defeat. In the USA, 3 out of 4 new moms abandon nursing their baby’s completely or partially within the first few months. Though there are many other reasons for this, one of the main is that mothers fear that their milk production is not enough. Lactation supplements like Pumping Queen are known for boosting milk supply in the most natural and safe way.

Lactation Supplements

Galactagogues is the stuff that every lactation supplement contains. It’s basically the ingredient that helps increase milk supply. Fenugreek, Fennel, Milk thistle, Goat’s Rue, Alfalfa, Shatavari Root, Blessed thistle and Anise are some of the most used galactagogues.  Common lactation supplements include herbs, teas, brownies, cookies, shakes, smoothies and capsules. These are readily available in the market and online. But before starting any lactation supplement, always consult your doctor so that he can rule out any other problem that is causing trouble for the baby to get his fill. If low milk supply is the case, (which is less often because many mothers do produce enough milk to satiate their baby’s hunger) then your lactation consultant will suggest you the best lactation supplement along with the appropriate dosage.

Does Lactation Supplements Really Boost Milk Supply?

Galactagogues have been a go-to for mothers whenever they needed to increase their milk supply. Although the science behind these, how they work and how well they work is still vague and painfully under researched, still lactation supplements on the market are loaded with them so something is right. In a study conducted in 2018, 122 mothers used a famous galactagogue called fenugreek and it really did significantly increase their milk supply. Another study done on 50 women, 25 were given a super cocktail of galactagogues like ginger, fenugreek and turmeric and the other 25 women took a placebo. Voila! The mother who took the galactagogue cocktail has a whopping 49% increase in their milk production.

Researchers and scientists are still not sure why these galactagogues work, maybe due the phytoestrogens that are similar to estrogens hormones of humans. But whatever the reason is, these herbs are entrusted by many women for centuries and are now also getting acknowledged by doctors, FDA and other pharmaceutical giants.

Recommended dosage of lactation Supplements   

If you want to see the magic of these galactagogues in your life then you must take them within the recommended dosage for the best results. Many of these galactagogues are available in their raw forms like leaves, seeds, stems that can be used for making teas and other things. But using them like that can mix up their recommended dosage which can make them under or over perform. The ideal and the most suitable form is to either get yourself a lactation supplement from a well reputed company like Milky Mama, which have all kinds of lactation supplements, with their ideal doses written.

Before jumping the gun always keep your lactation consultant in loop and consult him before starting any lactation supplement. Most common and recommended dosage is a 610 mg capsule but it can be altered according to your needs.

Are These Lactation Supplements Safe for the Babies?  

Anything that the mother takes in her diet is bound to enter the breast milk in some amount. Same is the case with lactation supplements; they enter the breast milk for example, if the mother takes fenugreek then the milk, urine and sweat of both the mother and baby will smell like maple syrup. Which is fine as long as your doctor knows that you are taking fenugreek otherwise it can be mistaken for maple syrup urine disease. But if the lactation supplement is taken in moderation according to the recommended dosage then the effect is only positive.  

Some galactagogues cause GI symptoms such as diarrhea, upset stomach and flatulence in mothers so it’s very much likely to pass onto the baby. Herbs that increase milk supply if not taken in appropriate doses can cause overabundance of milk supply causing fussiness, gas and green watery stools in infants. Herbs like fenugreek which are common in lactation supplements, have blood thinning effect, it lowers blood sugar levels and can also intensify peanut allergy so be sure to use them under the supervision of the doctor only.

Be sure of

When taking lactation supplements to increase your milk supply, mother s must only bur supplements from well reputed companies only. Many companies are unregulated and produce low quality supplements so beware. Milky Mama has the best, most amazing products that increase milk supply in the safest way for both mother and baby.

Herbs Women wish to take During Pregnancy and While Lactating

Pregnancy and lactation both are testing times for a mother. The body goes through a number of transformations and transitions that it’s hard to keep up with them especially if a woman is not well fed. Although Mother Nature does empower women with several tools that help her undergo various transitions and also ensures that the baby is growing healthily, many mothers still need some sort of assistance. Herbal lactation supplements are known to be used by women for centuries to boost their milk supply. There are many herbs that provide profound help to mothers during these tough times of pregnancy and lactation.  

Herbs are basically non pharmaceutical medications that are extracted from parts of the plants. Unlike other medications which are isolated and chemically synthesized, herbs are still intact with the plant. Herbs can be extremely beneficial if used properly but can also cause harmful effects if not taken with precaution. Some drugs and other medications are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation but mostly herbs are safe for the child and the mother. Even though herbs have been the go-to of women for centuries we still need to educate women more about their usage, doses and effects.

Women consume more of the herbal lactation supplements during these periods due their reservations of other medications and drugs and their side effects on the child. But unregulated and self-administered herbs can be equally harmful for the fetus, newborn or nursing infant so here we are with a complete guide on which herbs to take and which to avoid during pregnancy and lactation period.

Herbs that are Safe during Pregnancy and Lactation

Fennel Seeds

Talking about herbs and not initiating with the OG herb is a crime. Fennel seeds are a classic herb that has been entrusted by women for centuries. This herb provides relief in flatulence or gassiness to the expecting mother. Furthermore, it relaxes the muscles, eases out cramping, bloating and other apprehensive feelings. Fennel seeds have many digestive benefits as well, which is great for pregnant mothers who can consume a lot of food and then face acidity. This herb also alleviates water retention and also helps increase milk supply of nursing mothers.

Blessed Thistle

A tried, tested and a true nutritive herb that every herbalist swears by. This herb is loved for being able to increase milk supply for mothers when combined with fellow herbs like fenugreek and fennel seeds.


Fenugreek is a traditional galactagogue that is abundantly put in almost every herbal lactation supplement. In Greek it is referred to as a bringer of milk, due to its amazing milk increasing properties. Fenugreek herbs are known for making the mother’s milk taste and smell like maple syrup, making it tastier to add to the daily routine.


This herb is one of the most trusted and sought after when it comes to pregnant and nursing mothers. It is used in teas, shakes, smoothies and all sorts of herbal lactation supplements. It promotes calmness in expecting mothers, stimulates healthy digestion and also composes the fluttering butterflies in the stomach of pregnant mothers. Chamomile also provides relief in bloating, acidity, gas and nausea.

Milky Oats

Milky oats are great for soothing prickly moods, tired and wired nerves and exhausted new moms. These are also great in times of stress, anxiety and transition. Milky oats provide nourishment and support to expecting and nursing mothers.


Ginger is not just famous for its exquisite spice taste but it is one of the most well-known medicinal herbs with great soothing and warming qualities. It supports digestion, helps with minor flu, cough and sore throat. It is especially great for the expectant mothers who suffer from morning sickness and nausea that aggravates with motion. Pair ginger with chamomile and make an excellent tea to increase milk supply.  

Warnings and Side Effects of Herbs

Just like any other medication and drug, herbs can also have side effects and must be taken with caution. Always consult your lactation expert before taking any herbal supplements in order to be sure of its advantages and disadvantages. Even though herbs have been used for centuries but that doesn’t mean that they come without any risks or undesirable consequences. Some herbs like Arnica can also be poisonous and other drugs like black seeds can stimulate menstruation and even cause the termination of pregnancy. Blue Cohosh, Feverfew, Salvia divinorum and valerian are some of the drugs that mustn’t be taken while expecting. Always keep your doctor in loop if you are planning to consume any herbal lactation supplements to increase milk supply. After the go-ahead from your doctor, buy your supplements from a reputable company like Milky Mama for the best quality products.


Most herbal supplements are not harmful and the products be it drinks, brownies or cookies made from using these galactagogues are usually safe but be sure to consult your doctor and then take benefit from them. Milky Mama has a complete range of products keeping all the mommy-to-be and feeding mother in mind so do check out our website for best blogs and products. 

How Long Does it Take for the Breast Milk to Come?

You might be surprised to know that breast milk doesn’t come right away after delivery. It takes around 3-7 days for your body to make matured milk. If it takes longer than this consult the lactation doctor or try lactation supplement for kick starting the process. A first time mother may experience further delay in the coming of the milk. Women who have had children before can make milk more quickly as their body has experienced all this before and knows how to work accordingly. New mothers often panic about what to feed in the meantime; well Mother Nature has covered it all for you.

Your body has been busy making a pre-milk that is enriched with nutrients and packed with immunity boosters to fight against infections and diseases. This milk is known as colostrum, which is sometimes thick and yellow and sometimes thin and white, varying from mother to mother. At first a few drops are enough to fill up the baby’s stomach, that's why the flow of colostrum is slow. This also tutors the baby how to suck, breathe and swallow all at the same time, a skill the baby needs to master.

Reason for a Delay in Milk Coming

A number of reasons can influence the ‘coming’ in for milk in your breasts. A woman's body may be very complicated and convoluted but it’s designed to feed and nourish the baby so don’t worry you’ll get there eventually. When the baby is born and mother has delivered the placenta, a hormone called prolactin is released in the brain which indicates it to make sufficient milk for the baby. Sometimes the mother suffers from ‘retained placenta’ in which a few shards of placenta remains in the uterus, restraining the prolactin to get released and give required signals to the mind. Look out for symptoms like heavy bleeding, stomach cramps, fever or a pungent smelling discharge from the vagina and consult your gynecologists.

Another reason for a delay in the milk coming can be due to an unpleasant delivery, too long and stressful pushing-out stage or an emergency caesarean. Sometimes when a mother has diabetes during pregnancy or otherwise, the fluctuation in blood sugar levels meddles with the milk coming. Delayed milk coming can also be attributed to physiological factors involving yours or the baby’s health. Often, new mothers don’t know how to stimulate the milk production and that too causes a delay. If the mother isn’t putting the baby to the breasts enough the milk production slows and takes longer. Expressing the breasts with hands also works as a milk supply booster signaling the mind to make milk.

How does a Mother Know her Milk has arrived?

A clear sign that your milk has arrived is fuller and firmer breasts. A mother will be able to feel the fullness and weight of her breasts. Some mothers feel warmer and engorged breasts and some feel a tingling sensation in their breasts. Another clear indication of milk arrival is its leaking from the breasts. The veins in your breasts will be more prominent, bulging and noticeable. After making colostrum for 3-4 days, mature milk starts to come in and mothers will notice a change in their milk consistency, color and texture. Creamier, whiter looking milk is a sign that matured milk has arrived.

Preferably, mothers should start nursing their newborn babies within the first hour of the birth. The natural wakefulness of the baby can be utilized by letting him know how to feed on the breasts. This action will help your brain to understand that milk is in demand thus pacing the production. Mothers can have lactation supplement as a milk supply booster. But keep in mind that in as many as 25% women, milk arrival takes longer than 3-4 days. The arrival of milk in the breasts is more like a gradual change and less like a sudden one. Your body will be giving you signals and indication so be on a lookout and identify the signs.

Things to do if Milk Doesn’t Come in After a Week

Firstly, make sure that you’re putting the baby to the breasts oftenly. The skin to skin contact has been known to fuel milk production. Emptied breasts optimize milk production as it signals the mind to produce more. Lactation supplement, lactation treats and drinks also work well to enhance milk supply. Also get your endocrine levels (testosterone, prolactin, thyroid) checked, an imbalanced endocrine levels can also be a reason for the milk not coming in.


Like every kid every mother is also different and unique. If any mother struggles in the initial days, it doesn’t mean that her milk won’t come in ever. Motherhood is all about patience, persistence and preservation, right? Some mothers get a steady milk supply in 3-4 days and for some it can be weeks! So don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with you.