Breastfeeding Diet 101: What I Should Eat while Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a vital source of nourishment for the baby and it has multifaceted benefits for the mother as well. Breastfeeding exclusively to the baby for the first 6 months has tremendous amounts of rewards to both the mother-baby duo. For mothers it’s a great source of combating postpartum depression, losing pregnancy weight, reducing the chances of developing diseases like diabetes, heart problems and breast cancer. For the baby the advantages are mind-blowing; boosting immune system, preventing obesity, easy to digest, truck load of nutrients, vitamins, proteins, you name it and the mother’s milk has got it all covered.

Breastfeed is so beneficial for the baby is often referred as “Liquid Gold”.  Often mothers ponder that is their diet good enough to provide all these nutrients to the little one? What they eat or drink must affect the quality of the milk, well that’s partly true. The milk that a mother’s body produces is already perfected to the needs of the baby at every stage of development; you don’t have to eat any special kinds of foods or drinks to make it better. But if you feel a low supply of milk, try breast milk supplements to increase milk supply.

Mothers just need to follow a healthy, well-balanced and well-proportionate diet. There is a lot of energy required to make this liquid gold and the mother’s body needs that strength which can only be possible with a healthy diet. It’s so easy to fall into the pitfalls of comfort foods like burgers, pizzas and ice-creams, as all these junk foods provide instant doses of dopamine which helps you feel better. But when their effects subside the depression hits you hard. A well balanced diet will make you feel better about yourself for a longer time and you will enjoy the whole process even more. You can indulge in treats sometimes, milk supply booster like cookies, drinks and brownies are a very delicious option, with dual benefits.

In this article I will try to answer as many questions as I can regarding the concerns of diet during the nursing period.

What should I eat?

Milk making is a very energy-draining task for the body and a healthy diet is not needed to make the milk quality better, rather the need for a good, balanced diet is for the strength a mother needs to make the milk. Around 400-500 calories are consumed or burned to make milk every day! To keep up with it, make sure you have good portions of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Lean meat like poultry, fish and eggs provide you with a good amount of proteins. Include a hefty dose of fibers like pasta, whole grain bread, cereals, beans and lentils. Also add some red meat in your diet along with green leafy vegetables to maintain your iron levels, a drop in them will make you lethargic and tired all the time. Calcium and vitamins are also an important part of the diet so dairy products like milk and yoghurt are a must have item. Breast milk supplements are also a great addition to the diet as it not only fulfills the lack of nutrients left from the diet; they’re also a milk supply booster.

What I Shouldn’t Eat?

As I told earlier there is no special need for a diet plan, but traces of some foods can mix up with the breast milk so avoiding them is better. Limit the use of fish that have high levels of mercury like sardines and mackerel. Foods with a high concentration of caffeine like chocolates, coffee, soft drinks and tea should also be limited as they can mess with the sleep pattern of the baby. Alcohol doesn’t stay in the milk when you are sober, so try drinking after the session or 3-4 hours before. Nuts like peanuts can be allergic to the child if the mother is so if the mother isn’t the baby is also less likely to be allergic.

How much Water Should I Drink?

Breastfeeding can make you very thirsty, so make sure you have a tall glass of water with you when nursing. Also try to drink at least 12-16 glasses of water daily to maintain hydration levels.

Bottom Line

Breastfeeding your baby needs high levels of commitment from the mother and it affects almost every aspect of her life. A healthy diet is very important for the baby and for the mother herself. If you feel that your diet is not good enough or lacks certain nutrients then try adding breast milk supplements to your diet to make up for the deficiencies.  

What Is Milk Thistle and How Does It Boost Milk Supply?

Herbs have helped thousands of women to stimulate their milk supply, across the globe and over the centuries they have been a trusted confidant. There are so many herbs that serve as milk supply supplements and work wonders to increase the milk supply in the most natural way and having the least number of side effects. Herbs like Fenugreek, Fennel seeds, Blessed thistle, Shatavari, Goat's rue, Brewers Yeast and Milk thistle are called galactagogues. Breastfeeding can be a very tumultuous ride for the mother and the baby. They both need time, patience and understanding to come to terms with this new task. But if the mother is having a low supply of milk then the task becomes even more difficult.

A hungry, perturbed and unsatisfied baby can be very challenging to pacify, he/she will not be gaining proper weight and will not be peaceful at any given time. Many mothers worry about their milk supply and look for the most natural milk suppl booster. As there is a huge assortment of galactagogues available in the market, it can be a daunting mission to choose the best one for you. But in this article we will get to know about Milk thistle, a truly legendary herb that has been trusted by many mothers over the period.

What is Milk Thistle?

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a flowering herb, it is tall, has a prickly spine and has purple and white flowers. It’s a native to Mediterranean region; milk thistle has earned respect in medicine and healing for centuries now. It was first used to treat poison, but now has been used to treat a variety of health ailments like liver, gallbladder and Type 2 diabetes. Research has also shown that milk thistle can aid with infertility issues, cancer and nasal allergies. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. But most importantly it has been constantly used as a milk supply supplement to improve the production, supply and flow of mother’s milk naturally. Milk thistle is available in many forms in the market like capsules, lactation drinks, lactation treats and in Milky Mama’s lactation boosters.

Milk Thistle and Breastfeeding  

There is no doubt that the scientific proves that shows that milk thistle actually is a milk supply booster is very limited. The evidence and researches done on these herbs are not that elaborated. Also known as the Mary’s thistle and Our Lady’s thistle this herb is more of a legend plant then a scientifically proven galactagogue. Many times when a nursing mother has issues with her milk supply she often refers to friends and families rather than a lactation expert. They recommend the ways that their elders told thus the legend of milk thistle continues for decades.

Milk thistle is a safe and effective herb that does work well as a milk supply supplement and according to one study a whopping 85% increase has been seen in milk supply when this powerful herb was used. Milk thistle works even well and makes a fine concoction when combined with other herbs like fenugreek, fennel seeds and blessed thistle. You may also wonder how much milk thistle is a good enough quantity, well it depends on the way you’re using it. If it’s a supplement then follow the instructions on the pack, if it is a drink or treat eat or drink according to the suggested amount.

How Does it Boost Milk supply?

Milk thistle has earned respect as a galactagogue, meaning it is known for promoting milk supply and increasing lactation naturally. Although as mentioned earlier no true scientific evidence has confirmed the abilities of milk thistle but in the Sub-continent and Europe many women claim to have an increase in milk. One study has been conducted on female rats that show that herb increased prolactin in the body of the rats, the hormone responsible for the milk production. Some evidence has also come up in dairy cows. Another random test done in Peru did prove that if women included this herb in their diet plans they had a significant increase in milk production.

The plant estrogen that is found in Milk thistle could be a possible reason for making more breast milk in lactating mothers. Milk thistle works best when paired with other fellow herbs having the same reputation like Fennel seeds, Blessed thistle, and the most effective pairing is with Fenugreek. With frequent nursing, pumping and feeding mothers can increase milk supply in the most effective and permanent way. There is a reason why so many women still believe in this herb, are pleased with its results and recommend it to their friends and family, it works! They feel confident with their supply and sleep soundly knowing their precious one is full.

Side Effects of Milk Thistle

Luckily milk thistle is considered as a safe and mild herb and not much side effects have been reported. But there have been some side effects and one must be sure before using this herb. As these herbs aren’t FDA regulated chances of adulteration are high, so always be sure to use them from a reputed company like Milky Mama products. Be mindful of the origins of your previous allergies, if you’re allergic to common thistle, kiwi or artichokes chances are high that you might be allergic to this herb as well. If you’re on any other medication, then let me inform you that the effectiveness of that drug might be reduced, so always consult a doctor.

Many women have complained about either having constipation or loose motions when using milk thistle regularly in high quantities. Bloating, gas, blood clots, Eczema, sexual dysfunction and low blood sugar levels are also some rare side effects of this herb. But let’s not get scared, these side effects are few and far between but the increase in milk supply effect is constant so do consult your lactation expert and try to increase your milk supply in the most natural way.


Milk thistle can be used in many ways, capsules, food, drinks, treats, teas and supplements. Milky Mama has all the options readily available that any worried mom can instantly add to her diet regime. Our drinks like teas, coffees, smoothies and punches taste divine and contain milk thistle in the ideal and most safe quantities.